Saturday, March 7, 2009

start making money online

who should talk about it?
What will you do if you went to the gym then found a very slim guy giving you instructions on how to build muscles?
Most probably you will want to tell him that if his advices were useful he would have had big muscles himself.
Lots of people talk about how to make money online yet they haven’t made any of it, the reason I am writing this article is that i managed to increases’s earnings by more than 40 folds since it was started

20 months ago

Making money online
Nothing in the world is better than watching your earnings increase as you do nothing. You go to sleep, hangout with your friends then come back and find some more money added to your balance.

Throughout my journey in discovering the e-business world i came across very helpful tips that can help you make money online in a more effective way. The first is that depending on advertisement revenues only to bring you money will never bring you the amounts you can get if you sold a product. Most websites generates only one third of its revenues from advertisements if not less, so whatever your website is about; make sure you sell something there.

In my book

How i did it i discussed one of the very important finding i came across along the way, which is that people hate to search the web then find themselves in a page that tries to sell them something; instead, people like to find a quality website that has free content in addition to products that they can buy. When the person clicks on a page intentionally knowing that it’s a page that sells a product, the probability of making a purchase is higher than that of finding himself suddenly in a page that tries to sell him something.

People can buy the product because they trust the seller even if they don’t know how useful the product might be. A purchase usually happens after the person spends some time at the site and after he starts to trust the seller.
My books
are selling very well because my articles help people to trust me easily and so they don't fear to buy my products.



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