Saturday, March 7, 2009

How to become rich fast?

Becoming rich fast

Is it possible to become rich fast? while the answer to this question may be a subject to debate still its easy to find the truth if you defined what you mean by "Fast". Yesterday i came across an advertisement saying that you can make 300$ in an hour and that the results are guaranteed. The internet if full of overly hyped products to the extent that people started forming bad anchors with internet products in general. People claim that their products can make you become a millionaire in few months or even few weeks!! In order to prevent yourself from being fooled by such people, you have to rationally evaluate their claims in order to know if they are even close to reality.

Getting Rich Quick, Is it possible?
Whenever I read an article or listen to someone’s opinion about getting rich quick I find the same answer, Getting rich requires lots of hard work and patience. Those people I read their opinion are well known for their wide experience and for their tremendous success with money and that's what made me believe in what they said. Lots of well educated people and lots of successful business men regard getting rich quick as a popular myth. So is that true? 

Can’t any body make money quickly? Aren’t there any billionaires below The age of 35?
Unfortunately, it seems that everyone says that it’s not possible to make money quickly even people who already made lots of it. So let’s face the truth, we are talking about something that no one ever did

The fast solution to becoming rich
Any successful business model can bring you lots of money but they can never be compared to the advantages of running an e-business(see
the advantages of e-businesses ). 2knowmyself's monthly income has increased more than 40 folds in just 18 months.

The main reason for this increase, in my opinion, is studying marketing. After completing my MBA i discovered that there lots of unmet needs in the market that needs to be satisfied, and thats why i started this site with the aim of satisfying one of them.

In my book
How i did it i explained how marketing research was the most important factor that helped 2knowmyself become a website that generates thousands of dollars/month in less than 2 years.
You don't have to study MBA in order to make a website but you just have to get the basic marketing concepts so that you know how to develop a customer oriented website. If you want to become rich fast i strongly recommend starting your own website, even if it didn't make you rich, you wont lose anything and you will still get lots and lots of useful experiences that you can use some where else.

I used to think that rich people are those who earn lots of money until i realized that there are lots of people who earn lots of money yet they have none of it in the their bank accounts. The magical formula for becoming rich is spending less than you earn or living below your standard. Some people earn lots of money yet they are burdened with dept, those people are the ones who didn't realize that rational spending is one of the most important factors in becoming rich and not just big salaries.
what is meant by living below your standard is considering yourself earning 100$ when you earn 150$ and considering yourself earning 150$ when you earn 200$. If you lived up to your exact standard you would be spending everything you earn thus finding yourself broke in the end.
Get rich slowly but surely
Ask any millionaire or billionaire (if you managed to meet one) about the secrets of building his wealth and he will tell you that getting rid of the "Get rich quick mentality" is one of the vital factors in becoming rich. Yes some of them increased their incomes in a very fast way but none of them became rich over night nor anyone increased his earnings a thousand times in few days.
To summarize all this, here are the quick tips for getting rich:
1) Start your own business, you can never become a billionaire by working for someone2) Start by an E-business because its risk free3) Forget about becoming a millionaire in two years4) Save some of your money and don't spend it all5) Live below your standard6) Read about business topics and specifically marketing



feekyu said...

nice article, i hope i can rich fast with following your article

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