Saturday, March 7, 2009

Making money from home

Making money from home
Nothing in the world can make you feel as free as working from home can. Even if you like the office job there are certain drawbacks that accompany working at an office, Few of them are
Wasting lots of time on your way to work
Having to pass by the crowded streets and traffic jams
stress that people experience because of the fear of arriving late

Having to wake up earlier and to sleep less

Feeling bad every Sunday night
Cant take a vacation before prior notice and cant travel often
These were only few disadvantages of working at an office, there are hundreds more that can be mentioned but since this is not an article about the disadvantages of working at an office I would say that those are enough for you to consider working from home.
How to work from home?
The trend of remote workers started few years ago and its growing rapidly due to the advance in information technology and the change in the business models of newly established companies.
In order to make money from home you have two options, either to apply for a job that doesn’t require you to go to an office or to start your own small business from home. Personally I tried both , however , I found that starting my own business gave me even more freedom and more money. I don't report to a boss, i am not bound to certain time schedules, i take a vacation whenever i want, i only work when i can work and i make money while i am asleep.
My main source of income is now 2knowmyslef; I am making very good money out of it even though It was started less than 2 years ago(see
how i did it ). I am even making more money than anyone else I have met in my same age or even years older.
Starting a website wont cost you anything as it doesn’t require any initial investment, it will give you a lot of experience and if you done it right you might
become rich.
I don’t have a new idea
You might be thinking that you must have a new business idea in order to make money from a website but this is a popular myth. Before I studied my MBA I used to think the same but as i studied management and marketing I discovered that you don’t have to do something new in order to have a successful business but you can just do something that is already there in a better way.
Find a field that you love and that you feel that you can make a good website about it, and just start. What are you going to lose? You are going to learn a lot, you will gain lots of experience and you can make very good money,

so what are you waiting for?


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